First Entry

I am starting this new blog to collect good CSS style sheets that work with the stock Movable Type template. Movable Type is powerful, and with its template engine, one can customise an unique blogsite by editing the templates. However, many people with a blogsite on the Internet simply aren't capable of working with HTML and CSS. Some people aren't really bothered with it.

So at the end, there are many MovableType powered blogsite on the net that are just look alike (including many sites listed on

The purpose of this site is to create a collection of good CSS that is suitable for the stock Movable Type template. There is nothing wrong with the stock template - a two pane designe in validated XHTML. So I hope people can simple grab the CSS files and paste right into their "styles-site.css" template to transform their site.

Also, to help people test out different style sheets, this site needs to be easily skinnable. I'll talk more about that later.

Now, I shall go back hacking more CSS....

Vladimir Dmitrijev
Vladimir Dmitrijev
Внештатный штатский
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